Jesus Cried, So Can You
"Jesus wept." John 11:35 NIV
"He took Peter, James and John along with him, and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled. 'My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,' he said to them. 'Stay here and keep watch.'" Mark 14:33-34 NIVThese two pieces of scripture are about two different instances. In the first, Jesus is moved to tears at Mary and the Jews' sorrow and mourning over Lazarus' death. In the second piece of scripture, Jesus is "distressed", "troubled", and feels "sorrow" concerning what is about to happen to Him in order to fulfill the prophecies (the betrayal, abuse, and crucifixion). Jesus cried and felt emotional pain and suffering, yet many Christians deny their emotions (at least those that are not considered positive or acceptable).
My message to you: Deal with your problems or emotions. Not like get over it, but actually confront it, own it, feel it, and deal with it. A lot of times as Christians we feel that we have to be numb. We think that if we feel anything other than happy in God's plan that it means we don't have faith, but that's not true. Jesus cried (and notice that He did not feel the need to justify or explain His emotions in that verse). He was afraid before He was crucified and let it come out- again, without feeling the need to justify His emotions.
Our emotions don't need to be justified as though they are wrong. Understood, yes, but not ashamedly explained. They are normal. They don't necessarily mean that we trust God any less or have less faith (Jesus had more faith than anyone else in the Bible and He displayed an array of emotions). They just mean that we are being stretched uncomfortably.
It is in being obedient despite these feelings that we show our faith.
Don't ignore them. It is by suppressing, repressing, and not acknowledging our feelings that we mess ourselves up. That's when we put up walls or stop feeling. God doesn't want that. He wants you to be healthy and His. Be transparent with Him. He gets it.
And for those of us giving the advice: Let's not just tell people to pray harder or that God never gives us more than we can bear. I'd like to be clear really quick so as not to be misunderstood; I'm not saying these phrases can't be said, I'm just saying timing is everything.
Be sure that you won't be diminishing someone else's emotions or experiences by saying these phrases. While it can helpful and is true, when said while someone is breaking, it just makes them feel like their emotions were ignored and that they did (or are feeling) something wrong. They will only hide these emotions rather than seek the love and community they need most.
It is okay to feel. God gave us complex emotions for a reason. They are gifts, so stop treating them like curses or things to be embarrassed about or ashamed of. Follow Jesus' example. Rather than denying your emotions, feel and grow from them.
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