A Speck in the Universe

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1 NIV

God created the universe (the heavens). Just think of the vastness of it- all the stars, planets, and galaxies! We haven't even discovered everything yet!
      The picture above (called "Earthrise") was taken in December of 1964 during the Apollo 8 mission. It is a picture of Earth as seen over the horizon of the moon. 
      The following picture was taken in July of last year during the Cassini-Huygens mission. It depicts Saturn and Earth. Earth is the blue light seen on the right, underneath Saturn's rings.

Last week I kept hearing about how God created the universe. It wasn't anything new but God gave me a new perspective: I am just a speck in the universe. 
     Imagine yourself...now zoom out to imagine an airplane's view of your city...now your country...then imagine a view of Earth from space...now think of the view of Earth from the moon...finally imagine the above image of Earth from Saturn.
      I was already tiny when I imagined simply zooming out to get an airplane's view of the city. When I imagined getting a view of the country, I was minuscule. Forward all the way to that speck in the image of Saturn and I am just too tiny to be of consequence. Less than a speck.
      I couldn't not worship God when I realized that. I'm just a speck, but God puts so much value on me. He chooses to be with me.
      God's domain is the universe. He does not have our limitations. There is no need for Him to travel by spacecraft. The planets are His stepping stones. 
      There is much in the universe that He can look at but He chooses to gaze upon you. He adores you. You're His speck, but more. He loves you so much that He brings Himself to where you are. He holds you. 
       Never think that you don't matter or are of no consequence. You are so important and special that God laid down His life for a speck in His design.


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