The Importance of the Church

Over the years, I have heard many people become indifferent toward the Church. I can understand and am not necessarily focusing on people who have gotten there because of legitimate reasons such as past experiences of abuse or manipulation (though, there are good ones out there that do reflect God's heart toward His people and what the mission of the Church was meant to be, so please do not let those churches speak for all of them). I am talking about those who have no desire to be part of a church community.
      More and more, I have heard Christians say they don't need the Church. Here are some phrases that have gone along with that sentiment and been repeated by different people: "I don't need to go to church because I read my Bible and pray", "God knows my heart", or "I just don't have time". Unfortunately, for many people, church has become a chore they check off their list rather than a fellowship of believers they belong to.
      In Acts 2:42-47 (NIV), we see what the church looked like:
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
People didn't just attend church, they did life together. I read my Bible every day and have an active prayer life, but there is something about belonging to a community of believers. The Holy Spirit is constantly using sermons, prayers, and conversations with other members of my church to reaffirm what God is teaching me. I am truly fortunate enough to belong to a church like the one in Acts.
      It is so important to belong to a church community because it can be a place of encouragement and support. For the majority of last year, I was fighting through illnesses. I kept going to doctors and specialists, but there were no answers to what was wrong. It was disheartening. Finally, this year, I got an answer. I was diagnosed with endometriosis. It brought so much clarity to what I had been experiencing. I went through depression last year because of the hormonal imbalance the disease causes. I cried often, wanted to quit everything, had little energy, was exhausted all the time, and had a negative outlook. During that experience, the relationships I had with other believers really helped me. I didn't have the energy to ask for help or honestly know what I needed, but because they did life with me and saw me, they also saw that I needed extra love and encouragement (and prayer!!!).
      When we are at low points in our life, we crave a sense of community to stand alongside us, but that can be difficult to ask for (whether because of embarrassment, not wanting to feel like a burden, uncertainty on what would help, etc.). If you belong to a church community, however, they can see the change. They'll check in and provide the support needed, just like the Acts church did, because you are a family in Christ. It is a place of compassion, love, encouragement, and strength. When you are disheartened, they will further remind you of God's truth. When you feel too weak to stand, they will stand beside you and battle for you in prayer. When you feel that life has become too much of a burden, they will show you that it matters to them you are alive.
      The Church is a place of beauty. It is where dry bones come to life and hope is reignited. It isn't perfect (no authentic community is); however, it is a community where together you are striving to live a life that honors God. It is a place where you can "spur one another on towards love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching" (Hebrews 10:24-25). The Church keeps our eyes on God and heaven so that we do not lose focus as we go about our daily routines.
      We cannot afford to not be a part of the Church. If you haven't already, go find a church that teaches the Bible faithfully. Don't just show up weekly, get connected, form relationships, and get involved.


  1. I love my church family - we're not perfect and sometimes have sibling squabbles, but we've got each others' backs!


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