Shield of Faith


We’ve spent the year looking at how to have an even if faith (read the first post on the topic here). Our aim has been to have a faith that endures and even thrives no matter what circumstances we may face. The last few posts have been on the armor of God. We’ve been studying each piece of armor to learn how to use them to guard our faith. It’s important to be intentional about doing so before major trials so that when they do occur, our faith will hold strong rather than be diminished. We’ve already studied the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the footwear of readiness. In this post, we will study the shield of faith.

      Few would deny the importance of a shield to physical armor, however, it holds an important spiritual function as well. Paul wrote, “In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one” (Ephesians‬ ‭6:16‬, NIV‬‬). The shield allows us to guard against the enemy’s arrows. Arrows are long range weapons. We often prepare ourselves for the trials we know we will face, but the enemy is patient. He waits for the perfect opportunity to strike. We won’t always see his attack coming. That is why we need to be ready and have our armor on at all times.

       First Peter 5:8-9 warns, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” The enemy prowls around waiting for an opportunity to attack. He waits until we are vulnerable. That is why we have to stand guard. We cannot lose focus of the danger, grow complacent, or allow our faith to weaken. Every believer is in danger because we are all targets of the enemy. Don’t think that the enemy doesn’t have his eyes set on you too.

      Archers are patient and focused. Just one unintentional move and you could be wounded by their arrow. They wait for their shot, and they shoot with precision. The enemy is looking for the unguarded area in your life to strike at. The goal isn’t to scare you, but to take you out. He wants to eliminate you. This is why we need to live ready. We need to keep ourselves suited up in the armor of God. 

      It is interesting that the long range weapon can be combated by faith. We shouldn’t merely look to have enough faith to get us through our short term circumstances. It must be for the long term. We don’t just need enough faith to make it through the day, we need enough faith to make it through the unforeseen trials that will happen throughout our lifetime. We need enough faith to see the miraculous done and to trust and be devoted to God even when we don’t.

      The author of Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” It is confidence despite not seeing the result, God, or heaven. God has given us specific truths about Himself and promises that we can hold on to. We are able to remain confident because He is always true to His Word. Even when we are in the midst of trials, we can rest assured because we know God is righteous, loving, sovereign, and victorious. We rest our faith on Him rather than our circumstances. 

      Some people think that having any amount of faith puts them in a great position and so they don’t work on strengthening it. As Christians, we should constantly be striving to see our faith grow because it is in direct proportion to our relationship with God. The closer you are to God, the greater the faith you will have. Having even a small amount of faith means that you have some trust in God. You can use that little bit of trust to guard yourself and the faith that you have against attacks. But, that faith will get shaken when trials occur. I have seen many come out of trials losing their faith. That is why I put so much emphasis on strengthening your faith beforehand. If you already have a solid foundation before trials come, it will be easier to stand firm in your relationship with God and maintain your trust in Him when they hit.

      That isn’t to discourage you if you have little faith at the moment. Going back to the shield that Paul likens faith to; even though it does not cover as much as a large shield can, a small shield is helpful. It provides some protection. We can stand firm in what we know as we continue to build on our faith. This makes me think about what the father responded to Jesus in Mark 9:23-24: “‘’If you can’?’ said Jesus. ‘Everything is possible for one who believes.’ Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, ‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!’” The father was asking for greater faith. He wanted to see his son freed from the spirit that had possessed and attacked him since childhood. He’d had enough faith to bring his son to Jesus for deliverance, but Jesus pointed out that there was still a level of unbelief. We can be the same. Sometimes we only have enough faith to go to God. 

      In order to guard ourselves with the shield of faith, we need to work from where we are. If you have enough faith in God to go to Him, it means that you know what He is capable of. But if you don’t have enough faith to have hope, then it means that you need to spend more time studying His character, promises, and heart for you. When you know these things, you know what to properly expect from Him. In seeking them out, you may find that you have misconceptions that are diminishing your faith.

      Whatever it is that has shaken, weakened, or kept your faith from growing, you need to be honest about it. There is too much at stake to ignore or avoid the issue. Learn and grow. Figure out what gaps of your knowledge need to be filled or what misconceptions need to be corrected and search for the Truth. Some people think Christians have blind faith, but that isn’t true. It isn’t as though we trust without reason. We are able to know and experience God. 

      If you want to put on the shield of faith, then you need to get closer to God and get to know Him better. Interact with the Holy Spirit and He will engage with you. Read the Bible and pray. God has given us all the information about Himself, the world, and heaven that we need in order to have great faith. It isn’t as though we cannot see Him at work. Worship Him and live in obedience to His Word. Watch the fruit it will bear in your life. Learn what His presence looks like and you will see Him at work. Miracles happen every day. God is at work all over the world. Get connected to a church/body of believers so that you can be encouraged by what God is doing in the lives of others. All this can help to increase your faith proactively.

      Faith is meant to be a shield, not a bandage. A bandage is something you put on after you’ve been hurt to help guard a wound from infection. It helps keep the wound from getting worse. A shield is meant to keep you from getting wounded. Our faith shield will keep us from (spiritually) fatal blows. So many people die spiritually because they do not guard themselves. Be intentional about putting on the shield and other pieces of the armor of God. There are eternal consequences for not living ready for the battle.


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