By Faith: In the Promised Land
“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” Hebrews 11:8-10 NIVHebrews chapter 11 is so good. It goes through different people who acted in faith and were blessed for doing so. These people saw God’s promises to them fulfilled at different times. Usually, they had to wait a couple of years, but they were blessed because they did. They believed that God would come through on His promises, and so acted in faith. They gave God what was His and obeyed Him.
I believe God has a promised land for each of us. It is the place where He calls you and promises that you will have an inheritance.
Right now, for me, God is calling me to see Chicago saved. He wants me to spread His name, Word, and love here so that He will be glorified. It can be hard to see looking with just physical eyes, but with spiritual eyes I can see it clearly and it is beautiful.
Chicago is my promised land. It’s not all I want it to be yet, but as I look at it with His plan in mind, I grow more excited.
Many times, our promised land doesn’t look so promising. We may not see why God thought so much of it. In fact, a lot of times we may feel gypped. Abraham was in the promised land, but he was still living in a tent. He still felt like a foreigner.
I think a lot of us have misconceptions about the promised land God gives us. We think that we’ll be living easy going lives (we may have trouble once in a while, but we think those will be rare) and that we will be sure that it is ours. We think that it will feel like home. But these verses in Hebrews 11 show us that the opposite is true.
We can be easily discouraged because we moved in it, yet aren’t seeing God’s blessings immediately. The truth is, it may not ever feel like home. You may never see God’s full plan come to fruition, but that doesn’t make it any less of a promised land.
One day, Chicago will be His. I may not live to see it, but I know that He has already given me an inheritance here. I am playing a part in seeing His will done and I know the legacy I leave behind will keep going until this city looks exactly as God promised.
It will be a city with God as its foundation.
We have to see what God sees when looking at our promised land (read Heb. 11:10, the last sentence, again) and continue working toward seeing that vision become a reality.
Stop thinking it will be easy and evident to you. Our promised land doesn’t always look like one. A lot of times, God has to reveal its potential to us and show us His vision so we can carry it as we keep moving in faith toward our blessing in seeing our part through. Because it’s our promised land, the devil will fill our minds with doubts so that we never reach our inheritance. That’s why it takes faith to go to and stay in the promised land.
Legacies don’t come easy. If you want to make a different mark in this world (and leave His imprint), then you have to push against the pattern that’s already being set. Don’t give up because it’s hard or not what you expected. He knows what He’s called you to.
He doesn’t call us to fail. There will be lasting effects and benefits of what you do even if you don’t see them at the time (or never get to). Don’t let fear dictate your actions. His people don’t run away. They stand tall and strong in faith. The Bible says, “For in just a very little while, ‘He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.’ But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved” (Hebrews 10:37-39).
Things will happen in His timing. He is moving whether you see Him doing so or not. We look for it in others, but sometimes He is just moving in us; refining us to carry out His vision and move closer to the promise He’s given us.
Our inheritance isn’t the kind of legacy that can be measured up to by what is visible. It is worth so much more. It is building up to an eternity for people. We are being used to help them encounter and live forever with Him.
So, I encourage you, stay in your promised land. It will be more than just a blessing for you; it will bless others. But if you don’t, He will build someone else up to take both your inheritance and their own. They will leave the legacy He meant for you to and they will be blessed by Him for it.
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