Does Your Faith Have a Price Tag?

“Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action is dead.” James 2:15-17 NIV
A lot of times we don’t practice or test our faith. We think we have faith because we pray for those in need and tell them God will provide for them, but it is hypocritical because we do nothing about the immediate need we see because we are saving up for an anticipated need that we will have. We are not having faith that God will provide for us if we give to others.
      I feel like we have more faith for others than we do for ourselves because we are constantly asking them to trust God to take care of them. We claim to have faith, yet we refuse to put ourselves in situations where we would need it. We forget the encouragement we speak to people during their times of need and distress.
      Now, I’m not saying we should never save anything up or that we have to be financially unstable. I think being savvy with your money honors God because it allows you to invest in the things of His kingdom. But, are you being so future minded that you do not allow Him to speak into your heart about today’s needs? Are you drowning out His voice today with your calculations on how much tomorrow will cost?
      Faith is just a word unless it’s proven, and you can only prove something is true by testing it. God will test our faith at some point. I am in this season now and it is teaching me a lot of things.
      The biggest lesson is that faith is not just believing that God exists, it’s acting like it.
      When we live like we believe He exists, we allow Him to use or call on every aspect of our lives. We are willing to do whatever He asks because we know that He will take care of us. He will not just ask for something and then neglect us. He has a plan and He will see it through.
      Faith takes sacrifice. It involves Him testing our faithfulness, and us allowing Him to display His.
      Take some time to evaluate your faith. Does the faith you have have a price tag? It should. If you have a faith that requires nothing of you and comes free of charge, then it’s time for you to read up on faith in the Bible. It always costs us something. Nothing worth having comes free of sacrifice or easily.
      Believe me, a relationship with Him is worth everything.
      Don’t think God has to earn your faith. He already made His sacrifice. It’s time for you to make yours.


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