Day 5 in England: Entrust People to God

On Friday we had a family fun day at Fern Gore for our last day there. It was bittersweet because we'd completed all our on site activities for Fern Gore, but it was also possibly the last time we'd see the kids for the few days we have left here. We invited them to Hope Church for Sunday but there was no telling how many would show up. In fact, only a few did.
      It is always difficult for me to let go of the people I love or to move on to where God has me. God has convicted me various times since I've been saved about worrying about the well being of people once I'm no longer able to help them. I am very much a caretaker. I like to look after the ones I love and make sure they're okay. 
      I remember breaking down as I prayed for someone one day a while back and asking God to look after the person. As I prayed I felt Him tell me that my love for the person was simply a fraction of His love for that person, not vise versa. The only reason I love them is because He put that love for them in me. God cares about people more than we possibly could. If He put me into their lives to help, reach, and rebuild them, then why wouldn't He continue the work while I'm gone?
      In Jeremiah 31:3-4 (NIV), the Bible says, "The Lord appeared to us in the past [or from afar], saying: 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. I will build you up again...Again you will take up your timbrels and go out to dance with the joyful.'" Later in 1 John 4: 9, the Bible says, "This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him."
      The love that we give is so temporary and conditional. We give love out in different levels depending on how we feel about the person at the moment. God's love, though, is everlasting. It is consistent and full/complete. He showed us this love by Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. He endured the judgement we deserved. 
      His scars were for you. He died for you and then was even willing to wait for you to accept that grace and love Him in return. And, as though none of that is enough, He is willing to build you back up again so that you can celebrate and have joy. (He's done all these things for us, but there are people who have a hard time grasping that it pertains to them as well, hence my use of the word "you".)
      God's love is much better than my love. He is more faithful and committed than I am. I'm not worried about the people I have to leave behind because they are in His hands-the most powerful and loving hands that exist. He will love them, hold them, protect and guide them, continue speaking healing messages into their hearts, and give them a new honor, worth, and confidence.
     There is nothing I could do for them that He can't/won't do better. I've already experienced so much of His love, grace, and restoration so I am confident that He will do the same for them because they mean just as much to Him as I do.


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